Prokopiou Earthworks | Earthworks & Water Supply & Drainage Networks Viotia

84311 Visitors:
Address: KLIDI
Area: Voiotia
Telephone: 2262037638
Mobile: 6944599826
P.C.: 32009
Fax: 2262037638
Responsible: -
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Welcome to our site! Many years of experience and professionalism distinguishes the company PROKOPIOU based in Viotia and has been active in the field of earthworks for many years. Our specialized staff provide immediate service wherever we are asked.   Our aim is quality work, consistency, at the most competitive prices. Every project we undertake is done responsibly, always focusing on customer satisfaction. As the earthworks area requires attention and specialization, each...
84311 Visitors:

KLIDI, Voiotia

84311 Visitors:

Welcome to our site!

Many years of experience and professionalism distinguishes the company PROKOPIOU based in Viotia and has been active in the field of earthworks for many years.

Our specialized staff provide immediate service wherever we are asked.


Our aim is quality work, consistency, at the most competitive prices.

Every project we undertake is done responsibly, always focusing on customer satisfaction. As the earthworks area requires attention and specialization, each job is separate and treated from the outset with care. For this reason, we have modern machinery capable of handling any task, even when the dimensions of the space are small, we have the solution!

Our services are excavation, demolition, evacuation, pool transportation, leveling, outdoor landscaping, water and sewerage networks, OTE and PPC networks, PPC and OTE ditches, gas pipeline networks, special excavators.

Contact us to get quality, consistency, prompt service at the most reasonable prices.


Prokopiou Earthworks | Earthworks & Water Supply & Drainage Networks Viotia Earthmoving
Prokopiou Earthworks | Earthworks & Water Supply & Drainage Networks Viotia Water supply and sewerage networks
Prokopiou Earthworks | Earthworks & Water Supply & Drainage Networks Viotia Special excavations
Prokopiou Earthworks | Earthworks & Water Supply & Drainage Networks Viotia Demolitions
84311 Visitors:


Telephone: 2262037638
Mobile: 6944599826

Working Hours
